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As moms, it’s so crucial that we are taking care of ourselves just as much as we take care of our family.

I’ll be the first to admit that I am not great at this. Once I became a mom, prioritizing self-care went to the bottom of the totem pole. I stopped working out. I ate insanely amount of food (thank you breastfeeding!). There were days that I didn’t look at myself in the mirror. Not because I was afraid of looking at my baggy eyes from lack of sleep, but because I simply just didn’t have the time to stand and look in front of a mirror.

Still today, I am not perfect at finding consistent time for self-care. But I am making it more of a priority in my life because it affects the way I show up as a mom, a wife and in all the other areas of my life.

Not taking care of yourself can quickly lead to burnout. There are ways to recognize and manage burnout so that you can take steps to prevent it earlier on. It’s so important for moms to manage stress so that it doesn’t lead to burnout and other chronic illnesses and pains in the future. It also will impact how you show up and care for your child.

Causes of Burnout

According to Darling Downs Health, lifestyle causes of burnout include:

  1. Working too much, without socializing or taking breaks
  2. Lack of close supportive relationships
  3. Too many responsibilities, without enough help
  4. Not enough sleep

All of these causes make stay at home moms at high risk of burnout.

Signs of Burnout

The first step to managing burnout is to recognize it. Some signs of burnout include:

  • Helplessness
  • Feeling detached or alone in the world
  • Sense of failure, guilt, self-doubt
  • Increased moodiness, anger, irritable

Managing Burnout

If you are experiencing burnout, know that you’re not alone. Below are a few ways you can manage and prevent burnout.

1. Seek support. Finding meaningful and supportive connections, whether that be a long-time friend, a mom friend or your spouse can make all the difference. It’s essential to have someone who you feel safe sharing your feelings and frustrations with. I sought therapy for years and continued throughout my pregnancy and postpartum years. It has made a huge difference in providing me with new perspectives and prioritizing my mental wellbeing.

2. Shift your mindset. A lot of times a change in perspective can make a difference in how we approach situations and problems in our lives. Keeping a gratitude journal or talking to a trusted friend can keep you grounded and provide a fresh perspective on your situation. Find a local group or community of moms that are facing similar challenges can help you feel less alone and offer new creative solutions.

3. Prioritize self-care. This might seem impossible for moms but this is a necessity. Going back to the basics – are you getting adequate sleep, nutrition and exercise? How are you treating your body? Prioritizing your self-care and mental wellbeing through healthy habits like journaling, meditating and taking outdoor walks can help you feel more energized for the day. It has been proven that these habits are natural mood boosters.

4. Reflect and evaluate your current priorities. It’s important to take time to reflect and assess your current priorities. Priorities are constantly shifting. If you’re currently a full-time mom and wondering if it’s now the time to shift to part-time or full-time work so you can spend some time away from your child, take the time to reflect if this might be what you need. As moms, our main stress trigger is likely a screaming, crying and demanding toddler. And if this continues for hours on end, it can be very hard to feel like we ever can get a break. So, evaluate your current priorities and take a hard look at how much time you would ideally spend with your toddler vs. alone vs. with others.

I hope this post provides some insight into how to spot and manage burnout! As a mom who has gone through burnout related to work and mom life, I get it!

How are you preventing and managing burnout as a mom?