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As a stay-at-home mom, our mornings often set the tone for the rest of the day.

Before I became a mom, my mornings were my favorite part of the day because it was an opportunity to start my day with a fresh new beginning. I loved that I had the option to lay in bed a few extra minutes reading my kindle before getting ready for the day or if I was feeling ambitious, I could choose to fit in a good sweat session before I started work.

Once I became a mom, that all changed. I felt like my mornings were out of control. It was hard to predict what time my son would wake up because it would vary and it was often very early in the morning ranging from 5:30am to 7:30am.

Now that we’ve gotten into a better sleep schedule with our son, his wake up time is more consistent ranging between 7:00am-7:30am, and I can finally set aside some time in the morning for myself before his wake up.

I get that, as parents, we may no longer have the luxury to fill our mornings with an hour long workout or 30 minutes of journaling. But even if you can get just 10 minutes of quiet time to yourself before the inevitable morning rush, this could make all the difference.

This starts with setting the right intention and establishing small healthy habits.

By dedicating time to self-care and mindfulness in the morning, you can cultivate a sense of calm and purpose that positively impacts the rest of your day. In this step-by-step guide, I will share how to establish a mindful morning routine that nourishes your mind, body, and soul, setting the stage for a more balanced and fulfilling day.

Step 1: Wake Up Mindfully

The foundation of a mindful morning routine is waking up with intention. Rather than reaching for your phone immediately, take a few moments to wake up slowly. Focus on your breath, set positive intentions for the day, and express gratitude for the new morning.

Consider using a mindfulness or gratitude journal to record your intentions and reflections each morning. I love this 5-minute journal to practice my morning gratitude. If you’re not a fan of writing, you can also just think to yourself in your mind 3 things you are grateful for or look forward to in your day.

Step 2: Hydrate Your Body

After a night of sleep, your body is naturally dehydrated. Start your morning by drinking a glass of water to rehydrate and kickstart your metabolism. You can add a squeeze of fresh lemon for an extra dose of vitamin C and cleansing properties.

Step 3: Practice Mindful Movement

Engage in gentle and mindful movement to wake up your body and mind. This can be a short yoga sequence, stretching, or even a mindful walk around your block. Pay attention to each movement and how your body feels in the present moment.

Utilize a yoga app like Down Dog app or guided exercise program like Sweat to enhance your mindful movement practice.

Step 4: Mindful Breakfast

Approach breakfast with mindfulness, savoring each bite and being fully present with the flavors and textures. Avoid distractions such as screens or work during this time. Engaging in mindful eating can help set a positive tone for the day ahead.

Step 5: Gratitude Practice

Take a few moments to express gratitude for the blessings in your life. Reflect on the things you are thankful for, whether it’s your family, health, or the opportunity to start a new day.

Incorporate a gratitude journal into your morning routine, where you can jot down three things you’re grateful for each day.

Step 6: Set Intentions for the Day

Before you dive into your daily tasks, set clear intentions for how you want to approach the day. These intentions can be related to self-care, productivity, or patience with your children. Keep these intentions in mind as you go about your day.

Step 7: Mindful Breathing or Meditation

Take a few moments to practice deep, mindful breathing or engage in a short meditation. Centering your mind through breathwork or meditation can create a sense of calm and focus for the day ahead.

Explore meditation apps like Calm that offer guided meditation sessions for a variety of needs, such as relaxation, focus, or self-compassion.

Step 8: Embrace Slow Mornings

As much as possible, try to embrace slow mornings. Avoid rushing through tasks and allow yourself some buffer time to ease into the day. Minimize external distractions and focus on being present.

Step 9: Mindful Parenting Moments

During your morning interactions with your kids, practice mindful parenting. Engage in active listening, observe their emotions, and offer support and understanding. Mindful parenting can foster a deeper connection with your little ones.

Step 10: Reflect and Adjust

At the end of each morning routine, take a moment to reflect on how it made you feel. Assess what worked well and what you’d like to improve. Be open to adjusting your routine as needed to best suit your needs and lifestyle.

Establishing a mindful morning routine as a stay-at-home mom can significantly impact your well-being and overall happiness. By incorporating these ten steps, you can start your day feeling centered, mindful and calm. Remember that a mindful morning routine is a personal practice, and it’s important to be patient with yourself as you develop this habit. By developing mindful healthy habits and incorporating it into your morning routine, this will naturally influence the rest of your day and how you show up for your family.