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How To Survive Your First 30 Days Postpartum

How To Survive Your First 30 Days Postpartum

The first 30 days postpartum, often referred to as the fourth trimester, can be a difficult yet transformative time for new moms. Your body is just recovering from giving birth, hormones are fluctuating, and you're adjusting to the demands of caring for a newborn....

The Ultimate Guide to Health Insurance Plans for Your Family

The Ultimate Guide to Health Insurance Plans for Your Family

Health insurance is complicated. As someone who has been in the Human Resources field for over a decade, navigating through health insurance coverage is one of the most complicated things as an employee. When we added our son to our healthcare plan, it got even more...

How to Overcome Resentment of Your Partner After Baby

How to Overcome Resentment of Your Partner After Baby

Last Friday, a dear mom friend of mine shared that she was on parenting duty for the rest of her evening because her husband was going out to the opening night for SF Giants baseball season. For context, she’s a stay-at-home mom of two adorable girls - 10 months old...

How to Mentally Prepare for Work after a Career Break

How to Mentally Prepare for Work after a Career Break

You’ve decided to go back to work after a career break. You’ve accepted a new opportunity. And now you’re feeling doubtful. If you’re feeling nervous about returning to work, you’re not alone. Preparing to return back to work after a career break can bring on mixed...

How to Reduce Money Guilt as a Stay-at-Home Mom

How to Reduce Money Guilt as a Stay-at-Home Mom

The job of a stay-at-home mom is considered high-value work. After all, we are raising the next generation of leaders. Yet, it’s the most undervalued work in our society. I’ve been working and making my own money since I was 16 years old. I prided myself on being...

How to Reduce Guilt When Giving Your Child Screen-Time

How to Reduce Guilt When Giving Your Child Screen-Time

It’s no surprise that parents offer screen time to their children with technology being such a big part of our world today. With easily accessible tech gadgets everywhere we look, it’s hard to resist giving our kids screen time whenever it’s most convenient for us....

Simple & Healthy School Lunch Ideas Your Toddler Will Love

Simple & Healthy School Lunch Ideas Your Toddler Will Love

Since our son started preschool, it feels like a weekly struggle to come up with creative school lunch ideas that doesn’t consist of sandwiches all week long and that is also nutritious. We’ve experimented with different recipes and have narrowed down our rotating...

10 Surprising Lessons Learned From Being a Stay-at-Home Mom

10 Surprising Lessons Learned From Being a Stay-at-Home Mom

As I start to transition back to work after my career pause as a stay-at-home mom, I’m reflecting on what I’ve learned and how I’ve grown during this period of my life. This period of my life was the most growth I’ve experienced. It’s forced me to look inward and take...

A Day In The Life of a Stay-at-Home Mom

A Day In The Life of a Stay-at-Home Mom

The common misperception of SAHMs is we must have it easy. With no boss to dictate our schedule, we’re free to make up our own schedule. Heck, we can watch TV all day, read a book or even nap during the day. It sounds like the perfect dream job. This couldn’t be...

How to Explain a Career Break During an Interview

How to Explain a Career Break During an Interview

I was chatting with a stay-at-home mom (SAHM) the other day about her schedule now that her daughter is in preschool part-time. For context, both of our kids are the same age and started preschool part-time a couple months ago. She shared with me that she’s starting...

5 Ways to Stay Calm During Your Toddler’s Meltdown

5 Ways to Stay Calm During Your Toddler’s Meltdown

Toddlers are notoriously known for their tantrums. That is why they have a name for this stage - "the terrible twos" and "three-nager." While there’s some truth to this, I refuse to succumb to the notion that toddlers are inherently naughty. As Dr. Becky Kennedy says,...

How to Know It’s Time to Return to Work after a Career Break

How to Know It’s Time to Return to Work after a Career Break

Taking a career break to pause and focus on motherhood is a precious time. This was something I didn’t know I wanted until I became a mother and realized how difficult it was to leave my son for work after my parental leave came to an end. When I was laid off in...