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Holidays are filled with so much joy and gathering.

It feels even more joyful with a little one in the family to spend it with.

Yet, holidays are the most stressful times of the year, especially for moms.

As a mom, I now feel the pressure (that I put on myself) and the desire to maintain the spirit of the holidays for our child.

I want to continue our family traditions and create excitement for the holidays.

While it’s so much fun, it’s also so exhausting.

All the prep work that goes into holiday meals.

All the gift shopping and wrapping.

All the coordination with different family members.

All the decorating.

All the traveling (long and short distances).

All the activities.

All the cleanup.

Oh. So. Much. Work.

If you’re like me, who feels pooped after a marathon of social gatherings and planning for your family, I got you.

Here are 5 easy ways for any mom to recharge after a hectic holiday break:

1. Block off one day to recover, ideally at the end of the weekend. It’s so important to block off at least a day after an eventful holiday break to recover. Our family intentionally does this whenever we travel and if we have a very eventful weekend. Having a day to recover could look like not having any scheduled plans and allowing yourself to catch up on house chores if needed. Typically, my Sundays are relaxing because we try very hard to not plan anything and reserve those days for groceries, meal prepping, and chores.

2. Simple breathing exercises. I know, I know. Meditation can feel boring and hard. But hear me out. Whenever I’m feeling stressed or anxious, I immediately notice the tension and tightness in my body. My breath gets shorter. My shoulders feel heavy. My chest feels tight. As soon as you become aware of your body, you’ll immediately notice these physical sensations and the tension should soon feel less tense. A simple breath exercise can be a great way to get back in touch with your body and relieve the tension. I like simple guided meditations like Insight Timer or Calm.

3. Write it out. If you’re having a lot of thoughts from over the weekend, perhaps a family drama or great memories you want to cherish, get it on paper! For some reason, as soon as I get it on paper, it feels like the thoughts are less gripping. It’s also a great way to reflect on the past weekend, practice gratitude, and document those great memories.

4. Go for an outdoor stroll (with or without kids). Going outside for a walk is always a mood booster. Getting fresh air and getting your body moving will release those feel-good hormones. It’s also a nice way to bond with your family and explore new scenery if you want some company. If not, a solo walk is also a great way to get that much needed me-time if you’re an introvert like me!

5. Enjoy a cup of tea or your favorite beverage. My go to beverage is tea. The scent of seasonal flavors like spiced chai, pumpkin spice or peppermint tea brings feelings of warmth, comfort and holiday cheers. Tea has so many health benefits in calming our nervous system. It’s a great addition to any morning or evening ritual.

How are you recharging after the holidays?